My five stake review of Eruption!

5 out of 5 Stakes!

Wow and I mean wow. I wasn’t sure how much I would love this one or not. This one took me by surprise. It wasn’t the murder and mystery type I’m use to reading from my fave James Patterson. This one is definitely different then most of his adult books.
We have a volcano that is going to erupt in only so many days. But what Mac and the rest if the army and such tell the residents and tourists is another story.
Because not only does Mac and his team have to worry about how to stop this or divert it. They have to worry what is down in the ice tube. Which we learn early on is something that destroys. But by how much?
How far are you willing to go to keep secrets and save Hawaii and possibly the world?
The big one really is the biggest one in this story. We are racing through time to solve all the problems and when the army and President are involved you never really know how far they will go to save everyone and hide a secret that’s been on an island for decades.
I enjoyed this book for it not being the normal type of story I’m use to reading from James. Finishing and adding to Michael’s hard work from notes and studies and some of what was already written is awesome.
I’d like to thank Little Brown and James Patter street team for this advanced copy. Keep the fantastic writing coming.

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